Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Computer Science (affiliated)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (affiliated)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
4150ME Mech. Engineering Building
1513 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706-1572
Phone: (608) 772-0914
Email: negrut@wisc.edu
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Research Interests: Computational Mechanics (Multibody Dynamics, Solid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Friction and Contact), High Performance Computing, Numerical Methods.
Application Areas of Interest: Ground Vehicle Mobility Simulation, Terramechanics, Autonomous Vehicle Simulation, Virtual Reality and Virtual Prototyping, Fluid-Solid Interaction, Granular Dynamics.
Lab Publications: Technical Reports, PhD/MS Theses, Presentations.
Lab Projects: Parallel Computing, Autonomous Vehicles, Terramechanics, Ground Vehicle Mobility, Fluid-Solid Interaction, Biomechanics.
Lab Movies: Movie related to lab simulations.
Lab Members: Scientists, Grad Students, Undergrads, Lab Visitors.
Lab Outreach: High-School Student Summer Camp, Industry Consortium, Workshops, Tutorials
Software/Hardware Resources
Project Chrono: Open Source, BSD3, Multi-Physics Simulation Engine.
SaP::GPU: Sparse Linear System Solver on the GPU.
Euler: Lab CPU/GPU Supercomputer.
Conference Keynote Talks
“Computational Dynamics: from analyzing the motion of grains of sand to autonomous vehicle simulation,” 5th International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control, Shijiazhuang, China, July 29, 2018
“Sand to Mud to Fording: Modeling and Simulation for Off-road Ground Vehicle Mobility Analysis,” International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials, Limassol, Cyprus, May 24, 2017
“On the Use of Computer Modeling to Characterize the Dynamics of Large Particulate Systems,” Particle Simulation Conference, Erlangen University, Germany, September 21, 2015
“From Granular Dynamics to Fluid-Solid Interaction and From Large Optimization Problems to Solving Sparse Linear Systems,” High Performance Computing In Science and Engineering Conference, IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center, Czech Republic, May 25, 2015
“Getting Shape into Computational Dynamics. Getting Computational Dynamics in Shape,” The 11th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods, New York City, July 17, 2014
“The Role of High Performance Computing in Computational Dynamics,” The 3rd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics (IMSD 2014) and the 7th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics (ACMD 2014), Busan, S. Korea, June 2014
“High Performance Computing in Multibody Dynamics,” BIRS Workshop on Computational Contact Mechanics: Advances and Frontiers in Modeling Contact, Banff International Research Station, Canada, February 2014
Chapters in Books
9: “A Connected Autonomous Vehicle Emulator for testing multi-agent, conventional/autonomous mixed-vehicle traffic scenarios,” D. Negrut, A. Elmquist, D. Hatch, P. Ramanathan, R. Serban, ACIER:AMS, John Michopoulos editor, 2019
8: “Sand to Mud to Fording: Modeling and Simulation for Off-Road Ground Vehicle Mobility Analysis,” D. Negrut and H. Mazhar, in Bifurcation and Degradation of Geomaterials with Engineering Applications, Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering (SSGG), Editors – E. Papamichos and P. Papanastasiou, 2017
7: “Chrono: An Open Source Multi-Physics Dynamics Engine,” A. Tasora, R. Serban, H. Mazhar, A. Pazouki, D. Melanz, J. Fleischmann, M. Taylor, H. Sugiyama, and D. Negrut, Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Tomas Kozubek editor, 2016
6: “Unified Memory in CUDA 6: A Brief Overview, ” D. Negrut, R. Serban, A. Li, A. Seidl, Dr. Dobb’s Journal, September 2014
5: “A Lagrangian-Lagrangian framework for the simulation of rigid and deformable bodies in fluid,” A. Pazouki, R. Serban, and D. Negrut, Multibody Dynamics: Computational Methods and Applications, Springer, ISBN: 9783319072593, 2014
4: “Accelerating Computer Aided Engineering with GPU Computing,” H. Mazhar, T. Heyn, D. Melanz, A. Pazouki, A. Bartholomew, D. Negrut, P. Jayakumar, A. Tasora, ACIER:AMS, 2014
3: “Solving Large Multi-Body Dynamics Problems on the GPU,” D. Negrut, A. Tasora, M. Anitescu, H. Mazhar, T. Heyn, A. Pazouki, accepted, book chapter in GPU Gems 4, 2011.
2: “GPU-based Parallel Computing for the Simulation of Complex Multibody Systems with Unilateral and Bilateral Constraints: An Overview,” A. Tasora, D. Negrut, M. Anitescu in Springer-Verlag’s “Multibody Dynamics: Computational Methods and Applications,” W. Blajer, K. Arczewski, J. Fraczek, and M. Wojtyra (eds.), pp. 283-327, 2011.
1: “A Second Order Extension of the Generalized-Alpha Method for Constrained Systems in Mechanics,” L. O. Jay, D. Negrut, in Springer-Verlag’s “Multibody Dynamics: Computational Methods and Applications,” series, C. Bottasso editor, pp. 143-158, 2008.
Course Materials
ME759: High Performance Computing for Applications in Engineering: [2008-F][2011-S][2012-S][2013-F][2015-F][2017-F][2019-S][2020-S][2021-S]
ME751: Advanced Computational Multibody Dynamics: [2010-S][2016-F][2019-F][2020-F]
ME468: Computer Modeling and Simulation of Autonomous Vehicles and Robots: [2022-S]
ME459: Computing Concepts for Applications in Engineering: [2018-F][2019-F][2020-F]
ME451: Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines Systems: [2007-F][2009-S][2010-F][2011-F][2014-F]
ME440: Intermediate Vibrations: [2009-S]
ME340: Introduction to Dynamic Systems: [2006-S][2006-F][2007-S][2007-F]