For all SBEL animations, please visit our YouTube channel. Click here to jump to indexed animations used in papers and proposals.
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Autonomous Vehicles
Autonomous Vehicle YouTube Playlist
Sedan Sensor Simulation in Chrono
A sedan is simulated in Chono using vehicle and sensing modules. A simulated camera and lidar are shown that generate data from the virtual world and can provide synthetic data as input to an autonomous vehicle control stack.
1/6th Scale Autonomous Car Simulation in Chrono
A scaled autonomous vehicle uses simulated lidar data to navigate a closed course without prior knowledge of the track. The simulation uses Chrono to simulate vehicle dynamics and sensing.
Simulated Autonomous Vehicle in Replica Virtual Environment
Shown here is a simulated autonomous vehicle leveraging Chrono for vehicle dynamics and equipped with virtual cameras, lidar, GPS, and IMU. It is operating in a replica virtual environment, courtesy of collaboration with Continental Mapping.
(132) Synchrono Intersection with DSRC Top
This is a simulation of 31 connected autonomous vehicles within Synchrono: a framework for collaborative robotic simulations developed by the Simulation Based Engineering Lab at UW-Madison. The vehicles are synchronized to within 0.01 seconds simulation time of each other. Each vehicle uses messages received from the DSRC enabled intersection within the simulation to determine when the vehicle should proceed. Through Synchrono, these vehicles are also equipped with virtual LiDAR, GPS, and IMU sensors which are used by the vehicle’s controller as inputs into its driving algorithm.
(131) Synchrono Intersection with DSRC Side
This is a simulation of 31 connected autonomous vehicles within Synchrono: a framework for collaborative robotic simulations developed by the Simulation Based Engineering Lab at UW-Madison. The vehicles are synchronized to within 0.01 seconds simulation time of each other. Each vehicle uses messages received from the DSRC enabled intersection within the simulation to determine when the vehicle should proceed. Through Synchrono, these vehicles are also equipped with virtual LiDAR, GPS, and IMU sensors which are used by the vehicle’s controller as inputs into its driving algorithm.
Fluid Dynamics/Fluid-Solid Interaction
Fluid Dynamics YouTube Playlist
(137) Fin Simulation
Fluid-solid interaction for a rigid and a flexible fin.
Simulated using Chrono FSI and Chrono FEA
Simulated and rendered by Milad Rakhsha
(084) Lagrangian Lagrangian simulation of fluid solid interaction with rigid and flexible components
Fluid-solid interaction, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, 3D rigid body dynamics, flexible beams, Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation
(139) Dam Break Simulation
This simulation shows the evolution of the free-surface of water after breaking a dam.
Simulated using Chrono FSI
Simulated and rendered by Milad Rakhsha
(117) Fording Simulation Constraint Fluids
Simulation of dynamic vehicle fording a pool of fluid. In this case the fluid is approximated by a set of ~1.4 million SPH markers.
Timestep: .001s
Solver: APGD with 140 iterations (100 bilateral, 40 Bilateral and Fluid)
Simulated using Chrono Parallel and Chrono Vehicle
Simulated and rendered by Hammad Mazhar
Granular Dynamics
Granular Dynamics YouTube Playlist
Chrono::Granular – Wave Tank
40 million spherical particles in a sinusoidally-driven wave tank. Simulated using Chrono::Granular, a GPU-based granular material simulation module of the Project Chrono open-source multi-physics engine.
Chrono::Granular – Dam Break
A column of initially-confined frictionless particles is released to form a wave of granular material which rebounds and breaks on a far wall. Simulated using Chrono::Granular, a GPU-based granular material simulation module of the Project Chrono open-source multi-physics engine.
Chrono::Granular – Communicating Vessels
14 million frictionless, spherical particles flow under their own weight between two chambers, separated by a slightly lifted cylinder. Simulated using Chrono::Granular, a GPU-based granular material simulation module of the Project Chrono open-source multi-physics engine.
Chrono::Granular – Mass Flow Rate from a Hopper
Granular material composed of monodisperse spherical particles flow in a conical hopper. Simulated using Chrono::Granular, a GPU-based granular material simulation module of the Project Chrono open-source multi-physics engine.
Vehicle Mobility
Vehicle Mobility YouTube Playlist
(125) Chrono::Vehicle HMMWV with nonlinear FEA tires negotiating an obstacle on deformable, granular terrain
– 923,000 particles (6 degrees of freedom each)
– 4 tires with 90×24 bilinear, continuum-based ANCF shell elements
Frictional Contact
Frictional Contact YouTube Playlist
(191) Shear test spheres
Direct shear test using particles with a radius of 0.4 cm and a normal load of 16,8881 Pa. The model poses contact as a DVI (mu = 0.5) with a time step of 1e-3 s and a tolerance of 1e-5. Each particle is a sphere.
(195) Sticky Particles
40 million spherical particles in a sinusoidally-driven wave tank. Simulated using Chrono::Granular, a GPU-based granular material simulation module of the Project Chrono open-source multi-physics engine.
(185) Off center block contact
Two rigid blocks come into contact using Bullet collision detection. One is connected to the ground with a revolute joint.
(174) high torque low pullout force A
Simulation of 50,000 Rigid Bodies using the DVI Method.
Simulated on a NVIDIA GTX480 using Chrono::Engine GPU.
Created and rendered by Hammad Mazhar.
Flexible-Body Dynamics
Flexible-Body Dynamics YouTube Playlist
(127) ANCF nonlinear FEA tire operating on granular terrain
Internal pressure modeled, wheel hub not shown
(122) Chrono humvee model with ANCF tires traveling on granular, cohesive soil
Tires are modeled with 8640 layered, orthotropic nonlinear shell elements. Terrain is composed of over 600k spherical rigid bodies.
(052) Net Catch 2
A net, created from 3280 ANCF beam elements, catches 720 rigid particles.
(085) Flow of rigid bodies through an array of flexible beams
Fluid-solid interaction, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, 3D rigid body dynamics, flexible beams, Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation.
Simulated by Arman Pazouki
Numbered SBEL Videos
(200) Walking in Snow
(199) Walker in the Rain
(198) Tire Roll
(197) Tire Bounce
(196) Suspension comparison
(195) Sticky Particles
(194) Soccer Net
(193) Simulation of granular material filling up a flexible bowl
(192) Simulation of flexible bowl filled with fluid and rigid bodies
(191) Shear test spheres
(190) Rocky Slope 2
(189) Rocky Slope
(188) Rigid Fin
(187) Pressed Cohesive Granular Material
(186) ParticleImageVelocimitry MIT
(185) Off center block contact
(184) Net Catch
(183) Net Bounce
(182) Net 1 10 40 1000 20 100 2e11 1e 4 1e 4
(181) Net 0 1 40 10 10 100 2e7 1e 3 1e 6
(180) mrap3
(179) mrap3 30
(178) Letter Drop 2
(177) Letter Drop 1
(176) Humvee
(175) high torque high pullout force A
(174) high torque low pullout force A
(173) Grass
(172) Granular Simulation of 50000 ellipsoids
(171) Granular Patterns Top View
(170) glassSpheresFlow
(169) Geometric Adhesion Horizontal Vibration
(168) FSI Validation
(167) Flexible tire on deformable terrain
(166) Flexible Fin
(165) Felxible Beams
(164) Dynamic Vehicle Fording Rigid Frictionless Fluid 1
(163) Dynamic Bekker
(162) Direct Shear Test Scaled Study
(161) Digger Scoop
(160) contact2e9
(159) contact2e7
(158) contact1e5
(157) Collision Cables
(156) Cohesive Bunny
(155) cloth
(154) Chrono Vehicle humvee model with nonlinear finite element tires traveling on cohesive soil
(153) Center block contact
(152) Cable Wrap
(151) Brick Wall
(150) Beam Sphere
(149) Beam Cage
(148) Beam Blocks
(147) Bead Chain Siphon
(146) Artoo
(145) animation2_1
(144) animation2
(143) ANCF Parametric Study
(142) ANCF nonlinear FEA tire operating on granular terrain 2
(141) ANCF nonlinear FEA tire operating on granular terrain 1
(140) ANCF HMMWV tire model moving on cohesive granular terrain
(139) Dam Break Simulation
(138) Fluid Solid Interaction
(137) Fin Simulation
(136) Flow Around Cylinder with Variable Resolution ISPH
(135) Flow over backward facing step
(134) Fluid Rigid body interaction
(133) Fluid Solid Interaction
(132) Synchrono Intersection with DSRC Top
(131) Synchrono Intersection with DSRC Side
(130) CAVE SBEL Autonomous Convoy
(124) Autonomous Convoy
(123) Autonomous Vehicle Path Following
(120) Traffic Jam Simulation Side View
(119) Traffic Jam Simulation
(118) Selective Laser Sintering Machine Roller Simulation
(117) Fording Simulation Constraint Fluids
(116) Fording Simulation Frictionless Spheres
(115) Propagation of 12 shock waves in the 2D grid of spheres
(114) Test of the Wave Propagation in 2D grid
(113) ANCF Parametric Study
(112) Dynamic Vehicle Fording Constraint Fluid
(111) Chainmail Pile
(110) Mercury Droplets Constraint Fluid
(109) Viscous White Chocolate
(108) Geometric Adhesion Vertical Vibration
(107) Shear test
(106) Floating Bucky Low Viscosity
(105) Floating Bucky High Viscosity
(104) HMMWV on granular terrain
(103) Million Body Wave Tank
(102) HMMWV on sloped granular terrain r=0 02
(101) Single Wheel Test simulation
(100) HMMWV on granular terrain height
(099) HMMWV on granular terrain side
(098) HMMWV on sloped granular terrain r=0 04
(097) HMMWV on bumpy granular terrain side
(096) HMMWV on bumpy granular terrain
(095) HMMWV on bumpy granular terrain height
(094) PBD simulation with 1 5 million spheres coupled with Chrono Vehicle
(093) Chainmail Dress
(092) Corona Effect Separator
(091) Humvee Fording with 1 Million SPH Markers
(090) Humvee Fording with 1 Million Rigid Spheres
(089) Granular Mixing of Cohesive Materials with Fibers
(088) Granular Patterns Iso View
(087) Angle of Repose Polyamide 12
(086) SLS roller simulation 600k
(085) Flow of rigid bodies through an array of flexible beams
(084) Lagrangian Lagrangian simulation of fluid solid interaction with rigid and flexible components
(083) humvee mud back view
(082) humvee mud wheel view
(081) humvee mud front view
(080) Direct numerical simulation of flexible bodies in flow
(079) Fluid Solid Interaction With Large Deformations
(078) Particle Suspension
(077) Granular Mixing Top View Cohesion 200N
(076) Granular Mixing 2 Layer View Cohesion 200N
(075) Granular Mixing Sliced View Cohesion 200N
(074) Granular Mixing Cutaway View Cohesion 200N
(073) Stanford Dragon Cohesion 1000N Colored
(072) Stanford Dragon Cohesion 500N
(071) Stanford Dragon Cohesion 1000N
(070) Utah Teapot Cohesion 5000000N
(069) Tracked Bulldozer
(068) Waterwheel
(067) Cream Filled Chocolate Teddy Bear
(066) Snowball Cohesion 20000 N
(065) Snowball Cohesion 10000 N
(064) Snowball Cohesion 4000 N
(063) Snowball Cohesion 2000 N
(062) Snowball Cohesion 1000 N
(061) Snowball Cohesion 500 N
(060) SLS Roller Simulation
(059) humvee mud side
(058) Cohesive Granular Material Foam
(057) balls dropping
(056) Impact into granular material
(053) Mars Rover eight million particles
(052) Net Catch 2
(051) Worms
(050) Mars Rover 2 million terrain particles
(049) Rigid tire on deformable terrrain top view
(048) Rigid tire on deformable terrrain rear view
(047) Net ANCF
(046) The Roving Mind UW Rover
(045) Tank on Gravel
(044) The Snake Channel
(043) M113
(042) Tower Collapse Solid
(041) Tower Collapse Wireframe
(040) Block Tower
(039) Checkerboard
(038) Helical anchor in granular material Cutaway
(037) Helical anchor in granular material
(036) Mars Rover
(035) Multi Domain Discrete Element Method using MPI
(034) Multi Domain Discrete Element Method using MPI
(033) Granular Simulation of 50000 ellipsoids
(032) Multibody Tank Simulation
(031) Falling Body Bucky
(030) Rover on Granular Terrain
(029) Rover on Granular Terrain
(028) Falling Bodies W 5000 Objects
(027) Hourglass 25000 Objects
(026) Mars Rover
(025) Falling Ellipsoids 100 Ellipsoids
(024) Pebble Bed Reactor 128k Spheres
(023) Wave Tank Wall
(022) Wave Tank Sand
(021) Wave Tank 300k Floating
(020) Wave Tank 1 Million Floating
(019) Validation
(018) Excavator
(017) Droplet
(016) Fluids with different viscosities
(015) Fluids Solid Interaction