
Selective Laser Sintering Machine Roller Simulation (118)

Simulation of the rolling process of a selective laser sintering (SLS) machine.

Single Wheel Test (101)

The simulation of a single wheel investigates the contact stresses, drawbar pull, wheel torque, and sinkage of a wheel under controlled wheel slip and normal loading.

Granular Simulation of 50,000 Ellipsoids (33)

A Simulation of 50,000 Rigid Bodies using the DVI Method.

HMMWV on Granular Terrain (height) (100)

A view of the height of a HMMWV operating on granular terrain composed of approximately 300,000 bodies.

Granular Patterns Iso View (88)

Patterns of granular material being shook in a container.

SLS Roller Simulation 600K (86)

Simulation of the rolling process of a selective laser sintering (SLS) machine.

Humvee Fording with 1 Million Rigid Spheres (90)

Kinematically driven Humvee fords a river composed of 1 million frictionless spheres of equal radius.

Granular Mixing Sliced View, Cohesion=200N (75)

A sliced view of a simulation of granular particles being mixed.

HMMWV on Sloped Granular Terrain (r=0.02) (102)

A HMMWV operating on sloped granular terrain composed of approximately 300,000 bodies.

Granular Mixing 2 Layer View, Cohesion=200N (76)

Mixing two layers of granular material.

Angle of Repose Polyamide 12 (87)

ngle of repose simulation for polyamide 12 powder.

Chainmail Pile (111)

Simulation of squares of 20×20 chainmail piling up into a container.

Cream Filled Chocolate Teddy Bear (67)

A simulation of a teddy bear filled with cream being smashed.

Snowball, Cohesion=4,000N (64)

A simulation with 1.6 million rigid spheres, cohesion equals 4,000N.

Snowball, Cohesion=500N (61)

A simulation with 1.6 million rigid spheres, cohesion equals 500N.

Utah Teapot, Cohesion=5,000,000N (70)

A simulation looking at interesting effects by controlling the magnitude of the cohesion parameter.

Granular Mixing Top View, Cohesion=200N (77)

Top view of a simulation of granular material being mixed.

Block Tower (40)

A simulation of a block tower getting hit by a chrome sphere.

Pebble Bed Reactor 128K Spheres (24)

A simulation of a pebble bed reactor with 128 thousand spheres.

Humvee Mud Wheel View (82)

View of tires during a simulation of a 3500 kg Humvee driving on bed of mud.

Cohesive Granular Material Foam (58)

Simulation of material composed of spheres, ellipsoids, cylinders and boxes with a high value of cohesion resulting in a stiff foam like material.

Fording Simulation Frictionless Spheres (116)

Simulation of dynamic vehicle fording a pool of fluid.

HMMWV on Granular Terrain (side) (99)

A side view of a HMMWV operating on granular terrain composed of approximately 300,000 bodies.

HMMWV on Bumpy Granular Terrain (96)

A simulation of a HMMWV driving on a bumpy granular terrain.

Chainmail Dress (93)

Simulation of a chainmail dress made up of 40760 rigid rings and 55 clasps collapsing into a container.

Granular Mixing of Cohesive Materials with Fibers (89)

A paddle mixes a cohesive material composed of spheres with several hundred fibers.

Humvee Mud Front View (81)

Front view of a simulation of a 3500 kg Humvee driving on bed of mud.

PBD Simulation with 1.5 Million Spheres Coupled with Chrono::Vehicle (94)

A simulation of a 9-body Humvee on 1.5 million rigid spheres.

Stanford Dragon, Cohesion=1000N (Colored) (73)

Simulation of a glass dragon being smashed.

Stanford Dragon, Cohesion=500N (72)

Simulation of a glass dragon being smashed.

Tracked Bulldozer (69)

Simulation of a tracked bulldozer scrapping up material.

Snowball, Cohesion=20,000N (66)

A simulation with 1.6 million rigid spheres, cohesion equals 20,000N.

Snowball, Cohesion=2,000N (63)

A simulation with 1.6 million rigid spheres, cohesion equals 2,000N.

SLS Roller Simulation   (60)

Simulation of the rolling process of a selective laser sintering (SLS) machine.

Rover on Granular Terrain (29)

Simulation of Mars Rover operating on granular terrain composed of 50,000 particles.

Hourglass – 25,000 Objects (27)

A simulation of an hourglass with 25,000 objects.

HMMWV on Granular Terrain (104)

A HMMWV operating on granular terrain composed of approximately 300,000 bodies.

Validation (19)

A simulation of falling granular material.

Propagation of 12 Shock Waves in the 2D Grid of Spheres (115)

Simulation of 12 shock waves on a 2D grid of spheres.

HMMWV on Bumpy Granular Terrain (height) (95)

A view of the height of a HMMWV operating on bumpy granular terrain composed of approximately 400,000 bodies.

Test of the Wave Propagation in 2D Grid (114)

Simulation and charts off when a shock wave hits a 2D grid.

HMMWV on Sloped Granular Terrain (r=0.04) (98)

A HMMWV operating on sloped granular terrain composed of approximately 40,000 bodies.

Shear Test (107)

Direct shear test using particles with a radius of 0.2 cm and a normal load of 16,8881 Pa.

Corona Effect Separator  (92)

Simulation of objects feeding into a Corona Effect Separator.

HMMWV on Bumpy Granular Terrain (side) (97)

A side view of a HMMWV operating on bumpy granular terrain composed of approximately 400,000 bodies.

Humvee Mud Back View (83)

Rear view of a simulation of a 3500 kg Humvee driving on bed of mud.

Tower Collapse Wireframe (41)

Tower composed of boxes collapses due to buckling while a continuous flow of particles flows onto the collapsed tower.

Granular Mixing Cutaway View, Cohesion=200N (74)

Simulation of granular mixing.

Stanford Dragon, Cohesion=1000N (71)

Simulation of a glass dragon being smashed.

Waterwheel (68)

A simulation of a waterwheel using rigid spheres to propel the wheel.

Snowball, Cohesion=10,000N (65)

A simulation with 1.6 million rigid spheres, cohesion equals 10,000N.

Snowball, Cohesion=1,000N (62)

A simulation with 1.6 million rigid spheres, cohesion equals 1,000N.

Humvee Mud Side (59)

Simulation of a 3500 kg Humvee driving on bed of mud.

Tower Collapse Solid (42)

Tower composed of boxes collapses due to buckling while a continuous flow of particles flows onto the collapsed tower.

Impact into Granular Material (56)

Cross-section view of spherical body impacting granular material.

Rover on Granular Terrain (30)

Simulation of Mars Rover operating on granular terrain composed of 50,000 particles.

Mars Rover (26)

Simulation of the Mars Rover on granular terrain.

Helical Anchor in Granular Material (37)

A full view of a helical anchor decomposed into convex shapes (several boxes, a cylinder and a sphere) anchoring into 50k spherical particles modeled as glass beads.

Helical Anchor in Granular Material – Cutaway (38)

A cutaway view of a helical anchor decomposed into convex shapes (several boxes, a cylinder and a sphere) anchoring into 50k spherical particles modeled as glass beads.